Media Coverage

The enormous cost of toxic stress: Repairing damage to refugee and separated children

“When traumatic experiences are imposed on young children, the impact on their bodies and brains can last a lifetime, even if those children cannot consciously remember the events that terrified them,” writes Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution, who submitted this statement on behalf of Center Director Dr. Jack Shonkoff and others.

The urban design project sneaking puzzles and hopscotch into abandoned lots

Story about Frontiers of Innovation project Urban Thinkscape

The Diversity of Play

Former Richmond Fellow Lynneth Solis explores the impact play has on the cognitive development of children in Colombia.

How severe, ongoing stress can affect a child’s brain

This article discusses the impact of toxic stress on early childhood development, and what some physicians, early-care providers, and community members are doing to identify and provide services to affected children and families.

How poverty affects the brain

Using brain imaging, Council Member Charles Nelson studies the impacts of poverty and childhood adversity on children’s development in Bangladesh.

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