
Keep an eye on this page for information about upcoming webinars, as well as recordings of previous events.

Previous Webinars:

A Cascade of Impacts: A Discussion on the Many Ways Water Affects Early Childhood Health and Well-being

This conversation focuses on the second working paper by the Early Childhood Scientific Council on Equity and the Environment (ECSCEE), exploring actionable strategies and policy solutions that support clean water access for all children and their caregivers. The discussion is led by the Center’s Chief Science Officer and Founding Director of the ECSCEE, Lindsey Burghardt, MD, MPH, FAAP, and features ECSCEE members Devon Payne-Sturges, DrPH, is an Associate Professor with the Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health at the University of Maryland, School of Public Health, and Nathaniel Harnett, PhD, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

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Extreme Heat & Early Childhood Development

Dr. Burghardt and Dr. Nadeau share strategies to reduce exposure to heat to support children’s healthy development and well-being, and to ensure all children have access to safe places to grow, learn, and play in our changing climate. They also explore the intersection of heat and health equity in the United States.

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A Place to Play: Working Towards Fairness of Place for All Children

Panelists share examples of community-led solutions to address gaps in play space equity, as well as discuss what still needs to be done to ensure our built environments support child development and lifelong health.

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Understanding Racism’s Impact on Child Development: Working Toward Fairness of Place in the United States

Our panel of experts across various fields brings their latest research, exploring how racism gets “under the skin” to impact children’s development as well as contributes to unequal access to opportunity in the places where children live, grow, play, and learn.

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A New Lens on Poverty: Working Towards Fairness of Place in the United States

In this discussion, we explore how the qualities of the places where people live are shaped by historic and current policies, which have created deep disadvantage across many communities with important implications for the health and development of the children who live there.

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Early Efforts – A Webinar in Partnership with The Hunt Institute

Listen to a discussion on how the environmental conditions in the places where children live, grow, play, and learn impact their development and lifelong health.

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IDEAS Toolkit Webinar

Hear from the Center team who developed the IDEAS Impact Framework Toolkit and teams who have successfully used the Framework to shape their work in this webinar.

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Place Matters: The Environment We Create Shapes the Foundations of Healthy Development – Overview Webinar

Check out the Center’s “Place Matters” webinar to learn about the 16th working paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child’s Place Matters: How the Environment We Create Shapes the Foundations of Healthy Development.

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