A Guide to Adult Capabilities

A growing body of research from neuroscience and psychology tells us that, as adults, certain core capabilities help us to manage life, work, and caregiving effectively. These include things like planning, focus, self-control, flexibility, and other capabilities that fall under the umbrella of self-regulation and executive function. Such capabilities help us provide responsive care to the children in our lives, manage a household, go to work, and so much more. When these skills are not fully developed or are challenged by significant stressors or systemic inequalities, it can affect the health and well-being of both adults and the children in their care.
Science tells us that it is never too late to help adults build such core capabilities. When adults have opportunities to build the core skills needed to provide stable, responsive environments for children and to take care of themselves, we all benefit. Our work combines research from the biological and behavioral sciences with practical, on-the-ground knowledge from working with adults and families to provide effective solutions for helping individuals develop more effective skills to cope with adversity. Explore the resources in this guide to learn more.