Early Childhood Scientific Council on Equity and the Environment

Established in 2023, the Early Childhood Scientific Council on Equity and the Environment (ECSCEE) is a multidisciplinary, cross-organizational collaboration committed to improving our understanding of how influences from the broader environment affect early childhood development.
The Early Childhood Scientific Council on Equity and the Environment is a multidisciplinary, cross-organizational collaboration committed to improving our understanding of how influences from the broader environment affect early childhood development.
In particular, the ECSCEE aims to analyze, synthesize, and communicate emerging science around the role of the built and natural environment in shaping the communities where caregivers are raising young children. This includes the ways that systemic racism has influenced historic and current policies and practices that have resulted in unequal distribution of both risk and opportunity across communities.
The ECSCEE aims to leverage scientific and community-informed perspectives to help policymakers and other leaders in a range of sectors understand and mobilize around a prenatal and early childhood perspective rooted in working toward healthy developmental environments for all children.
The ECSCEE’s membership includes leading practitioners, researchers, and scientists representing the fields of neurobiology, psychological anthropology, medicine, global health, climate change, environmental health, public health, and social epidemiology.