A Decade of Science Informing Policy: The Story of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child

This retrospective report tells the history of how the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child came to be, what its impact has been, how its members work, and why the Council has made a difference.
“For the past decade, a diverse group of distinguished scientists has worked to translate complex research about early brain development into language that is scientifically accurate, highly credible, understandable to nonscientists, and useful to public decision makers. Across the United States and around the world, in both public and private sectors, the work of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child has helped change the conversation about providing young children with a healthy, safe, and nurturing start in life.”
Suggested citation: Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University (2014). A Decade of Science Informing Policy: The Story of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. Retrieved from www.developingchild.harvard.edu.