COVID-19 Resources
Below is a list of links to national and international resources that can help with a variety of concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. From child care, to housing, to health care and medical information, many outstanding organizations are offering helpful resources. The following is an assortment of links we’ve checked out–from our own site and others–that can be of use at this unprecedented time.
Please note: We are unable to accept any further submissions or suggestions for this page.
- Active for Life
- Camp Tinkergarten: A Guide to Purposeful and Fun Outdoor Play
- Center on the Developing Child: Activities Guide: Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence
- Center on the Developing Child: Mejora y Práctica de las Habilidades de Función Ejecutiva con Niños desde la Infancia Hasta la Adolescencia
- Defending the Early Years: Guidance for Supporting Young Children through Covid-19
- Kinedu
- OCHA Inter-Agency Standing Committee: My Hero Is You: A book by and for children in multiple languages
- Pangea Education Picture Book: The Unwelcome Stranger: Explaining COVID-19 to children
- Peep and the Big Wide World Videos y Actividades para los padres de familia
- TinkerGarten at Home: free activities in English and Spanish
- Vroom
Child Care
- CDC: For Child Care Programs That Remain Open
- CDC: Schools & Child Care Reopening Health Considerations and Tools
- Child Care Education Institute: Self-Care
- ChildCare Aware of America: Coronavirus Updates and Resources for Child Care Providers and CCR&Rs
- ChildCare Aware of America: Quédese actualizado con las noticias y los recursos más recientes sobre el Coronavirus
- Child Trends: 5 ways early care and education providers can support children’s remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Committee for Economic Development: Coronavirus Resources for Child Care Providers
- First Five Years Fund: Child Care & COVID-19: Unemployment Benefits in the CARES Act
- First Five Years Fund and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans Immediately Available to Child Care Providers
- Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center: Staff Resources for Remote Services
- Home Grown: Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund Toolkit
- Home Grown: Resources for Home-Based Child Care Providers
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Child Care COVID-19 Resources
Community Service Referrals
Domestic Violence
- End Violence Against Children: Protecting Children During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Futures Without Violence: Information on COVID-19 for Survivors, Communities, and DV/SA Programs
- ZERO TO THREE: Addressing Abuse and Neglect During COVID-19 Webinar Series and Resources
Food Insecurity
- Food Research & Action Center: Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer
- Food Research & Action Center: The FRAC Advocate’s Guide to the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)
- No Kid Hungry: Coronavirus Grant Request
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service: FNS Response to COVID-19
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service: Using USDA Food During a Human Pandemic Outbreak Options for Schools and Communities
Guidance for Parents and Caregivers
- Bipartisan Policy Center: Resources for Parents
- California Surgeon General’s Playbook: Stress Relief during COVID-19
- Child Mind Institute: Anxiety and Coping with the Coronovirus
- ChildTrends: 10 Ways to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being During COVID-19
- ChildTrends: Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ChildTrends: Ways to promote children’s resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Early Learning Nation: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving COVID-19: 8 Strategies to Keep Children Healthy and Happy
- EmbraceRace: COVID-19 resources for kids and families
- Erikson Institute’s Fussy Baby Network: free phone consultations
- Harvard Graduate School of Education: Helping Children Cope with Coronavirus and Uncertainty
- Harvard Medical School: COVID-19 Classroom, an expert-reviewed, developmentally appropriate resource to provide education about COVID-19 to children from elementary to high school
- Healthy Steps: Caring for Yourself and Young Children During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis
- Mt. Sinai Parenting Center: COVID-19 Resources for Parents and Health Care Workers
- National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
- RISE Tips (By and For Parents in the Child Welfare System): Coping with Visits During COVID-19
- Sesame Street/CNN Coronovirus Town Hall for Kids
- The Dunn Lab: Science-Based Strategies to Protect Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Triple P: Positive Parenting Program: PARENTING DURING COVID-19
- WBUR: Feeling The Stress Of Online Learning And Endless Worksheets? Try Finding Time For Play
- World Health Organization: Healthy Parenting Tips from WHO in 70 different languages
- ZERO to THREE: Tips for Families: Coronavirus
Health Care and Medical Information
- American Academy of Pediatrics: For Families
- American Academy of Pediatrics: For Pediatricians
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding
- CDC: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Chapin Hall: Tools to Help Health Care Providers Address Social Needs
- Mental Health America: Mental Health And COVID-19 – Information And Resources
- NICHQ: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information for Children’s Health Advocates
- Nurse Family Partnership: COVID-19 Telehealth Guidance
- Sunshine Behavioral Health: Telehealth and Online Mental Health Resources During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Testing: COVID-19 State Testing Directory
- World Health Organization: Coronavirus
Home Visiting
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Interim Guidance for Homeless Shelters: Plan, prepare and respond to coronavirus disease 2019
- National Low Income Housing Coalition: Coronavirus and Housing/Homelessness
- Alliance for Early Success: Latest COVID-19 Actions by State
- Bipartisan Policy Center: Child Care Supports in Federal Policy
- Bipartisan Policy Center: Unemployment Compensation Support for Child Care Providers
- CLASP: COVID-19 and State Child Care Assistance Programs
- Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
- Frameworks Institute: Here’s How Nonprofits Can Get Americans to Fight the Racism Laid Bare by COVID-19
- Georgetown University Health Policy Institute: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center
- Hunt Institute: State Child Care Actions
- National Conference of State Legislatures: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for States
- National Conference of State Legislatures: Our American States Podcast: COVID-19: State and Federal Responses to Education and Child Care
- National Women’s Law Center: Supporting Home-Based Child Care Providers During the Coronavirus Crisis
- Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center: Beyond the Pandemic: State Policy Options for Supporting Families
- Urban Institute: Stabilizing Children’s Lives—A Web of Stabilizing Supports
Resource Collections
- ACEs Connection: COVID-19 and ACEs Science Collections
- Alliance for Early Success: State Impact Topics
- America’s Voice Education Fund: Resources for Immigrants During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Early Childhood Development Action Network: Early Childhood Focused COVID-19 Resources
- Goshen: Ech Gadalta! (How You’ve Grown!) Resources in English, Hebrew, Arabic, French, Russian and Amharic
- Help Me Grow: Affiliate Resources for Responding to COVID-19
- NAEYC: Coping with COVID-19
- National Institute for Early Education Research: Resources for Early Childhood Policymakers on Preventing and Preparing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- NIEER: Beyond Borders in a Crises: the Global Response to Support Children
- Promise Venture Studios: For parents, caregivers, educators, and program leaders
- Raising Children: The Australian Parenting Website Coronovirus family guide
Partner Resources|Tools & Guides