Extreme Heat & Early Childhood Development
Panelists share examples of community-led solutions to address gaps in play space equity, as well as discuss what still needs to be done to ensure our built environments support child development and lifelong health.
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A Place to Play: Working Towards Fairness of Place for All Children
Panelists share examples of community-led solutions to address gaps in play space equity, as well as discuss what still needs to be done to ensure our built environments support child development and lifelong health.
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Understanding Racism’s Impact on Child Development: Working Toward Fairness of Place in the United States
Our panel of experts across various fields brings their latest research, exploring how racism gets “under the skin” to impact children’s development as well as contributes to unequal access to opportunity in the places where children live, grow, play, and learn.
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A New Lens on Poverty: Working Towards Fairness of Place in the United States
In a webinar the Center on the Developing Child co-hosted with The Hunt Institute, the Center’s Chief Science Officer, Lindsey Burghardt, MD, MPH, FAAP, joined Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, MPA-URP, PhD, the Director of the Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy at Brandeis University, and Caitlin Gould, DrPH, an Environmental Health Scientist at the EPA’s Climate Change Division, to discuss how the environmental conditions in the places where children live, grow, play, and learn impact their development and lifelong health.
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Place Matters: The Environment We Create Shapes the Foundations of Healthy Development – Overview Webinar
Members of the Center’s leadership team discuss what the latest science tells us about the role of the built and natural environments in shaping children’s development, including how systemic racism has influenced historic and current policies resulting in the inequitable distribution of risk and opportunity across communities. The conversation also touches on implications for new directions in policy that can help work toward “fairness of place” so that all children—regardless of where they grow up—can live in an environment that supports their healthy development.
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IDEAS Toolkit Webinar
Hear from the Center team who developed the IDEAS Impact Framework Toolkit and teams who have successfully used the Framework to shape their work in this webinar.
Released in early 2023, the IDEAS Toolkit is a free online resource designed to help innovators in the field of early childhood build better programs and products to achieve greater impact in their communities. This toolkit is ideal for anyone involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs for children and families. It is self-guided, self-paced, and provides a structured and flexible approach that facilitates program development, evaluation, and fast-cycle iteration and includes resources to help teams develop a clear and precise theory of change.
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Early Efforts – A Webinar in Partnership with The Hunt Institute
In a webinar the Center on the Developing Child co-hosted with The Hunt Institute, the Center’s Chief Science Officer, Lindsey Burghardt, MD, MPH, FAAP, joined Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, MPA-URP, PhD, the Director of the Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy at Brandeis University, and Caitlin Gould, DrPH, an Environmental Health Scientist at the EPA’s Climate Change Division, to discuss how the environmental conditions in the places where children live, grow, play, and learn impact their development and lifelong health.