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The Latest Happenings at The Center

connecting science and community graphic

Connecting Science + Community

The Center’s Founding Director, Jack Shonkoff, MD, has launched a new portfolio of work: Connecting Science and Community: Expanding the Early Childhood Ecosystem to Achieve Greater Impacts. This initiative is designed to catalyze a broader mindset for early childhood investment, including increased attention to the communities where children and the adults who care for them live.

Protecting Young Children During Periods of Extreme Heat

Corey Zimmerman, EdM, Deputy Director and Chief Engagement and Partnerships Officer, and Joan Lombardi, PhD, discuss the actions needed to protect young children from extreme heat.

girl standing outside holding onto gate
ask with series featuring  Dr. Lindsey Burghardt

A Healthy Childhood in a Changing Climate | Askwith Education 

The Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Askwith Education Forum brought together early childhood & health experts in February 2024—including the Center’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Lindsey Burghardt, and education & public health advocate, Chelsea Clinton—for a conversation on the impacts of environmental change on early childhood development.

News from The Center

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