Saving Brains

A partnership led by Grand Challenges Canada, Saving Brains seeks to improve outcomes for children living in poverty through interventions that nurture and protect early brain development in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life. The Center on the Developing Child is part of a team that supports a dynamic learning community of Saving Brains innovators to help them advance the impact and scale of their work in countries around the world.

This video from Saving Brains applies the science as translated by the Center and other research to make the case for addressing the global challenge of children who do not reach their potential.

The Saving Brains portfolio of activities is designed to develop and broaden the reach of products, services, and policies that protect and nurture early brain development. Within the program, the Center works with other experts and mentors in the fields of early childhood development, innovation systems, and learning communities. Together, they work to enhance the collective impact of the Saving Brains program through the following actions:

  • Articulating a common theory for action based on scientific knowledge and practical experience
  • Developing shared metrics and evaluation frameworks for interventions
  • Fostering an ongoing learning community to accelerate innovation through sharing lessons and results
  • Encouraging policy translation through cross-sectional leadership development

Through sharing results and discussing lessons learned, this community is generating a body of research and practical knowledge on how to develop, refine, and evaluate innovative solutions. Together, the community is also creating a suite of interventions for nurturing and protecting early brain development. Currently, projects are being implemented in low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

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